All Who are sick, handicapped, homebound and elderly are eligible to join the ministry.
Members promise to pray and offer their sacrifices and sufferings- as well as joys, for the parish and the universal church.
Prayers can be from the prayerbook provided or from the treasury of prayers that are currently prayed.
Either daily or weekly time of prayer is devoted to the prayers for the parish and/ or the church.
No payment of dues
No meetings.
No Phone calls.
What will I receive to connect me to the Parish?
A prayer booklet.
A monthly letter with prayer requests and suggestions mailed to you.
"Growing in Faith" - A publication that seeks to help you grow in your personal faith.
A current parish bulletin.
" I find that when I am involved in the business of life, when I'm working with the people, particularly with children, I feel better. A kind of strength and energy comes with that." - Thea Bowman