Our Christ on Your Corner Ministry took a trip over to Shore Cultural Centre! We assisted Shore Executive Director, Laura Kidder, in cleaning and beautifying the grounds in preparation for Euclid’s Memorial Day celebration.
The Church has a mission statement:
Go and make disciples! And once disciples are formed they must be sent.
Christ On Your Corner is a new initiative of Ss. Robert and William Parish, in cooperation with the City of Euclid, to send disciples into the community – to leave the corner of E. 20th and Forestview and take Christ on to other corners of the community - be a Catholic Christian presence in the City of Euclid.
Our first of what we hope to be many projects, is to help senior citizens who own their own homes, are unable to care for their yards, and have no available to help. On Saturday, October 7th, we will send small groups of parishioners to designated homes to do yard work. A sign in the front yard will identify us as parishioners of Ss. Robert and William, a statement of our concern for those in need.
Kristal Grida, Assistant to the Mayor for Neighborhood Assistance and Special Projects, said that COYC could be a life-changing experience for residents receiving
our services.
So be a part of it! Help SRW to bring Christ to the corners of Euclid! Volunteer for Christ on Your Corner!