What is baptism?
Baptism is the first sacrament we receive. It is the one that makes us Christians by sharing in the very life of Jesus Christ. Baptism recreates our very being as alter Christus, another Christ. Baptism wipes away Original Sin and all the sins one has ever committed. In the Catholic tradition, one needs to be baptized with water according to the Trinitarian formula, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
Sponsors for Baptism
The role of a sponsor / godparent is pivotal to the faith development of a baptized person. Sponsors witness the Catholic faith to the baptized. Please visit the Sponsor Information page for sponsor requirements. Certificates may be obtained from the parish you are registered at. A non-Catholic Christian may be a Christian witness at the baptism.
Congratulations on your child's first step towards life in Christ! Infants and children under the age of 7 may be baptized and you as a parent make a profession of faith for them, promising to raise them according to the law of Christ and his Church. You should call the parish or contact Gail Monroe to set up a time to prepare and plan for the baptism.
Adults or children over age 7 may be baptized after a period of reflection and catechesis appropriate to their age. Contact Renee Barber or Fr. John to find out more about this preparation time, or visit the Christian Initiation (RCIA) page for more information.
Memorial Bricks for Baptism
Customizable Memorial Bricks offer a lasting way for our parish to remember the birth or baptism of your child. Please visit our Memorial Bricks page to see our placement and size options.